PAINFUL in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from The Call of the Wild by Jack London
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 Current Search - painful in The Call of the Wild
1  Joe came next, yelping with pain.
The Call of the Wild By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In Chapter V. The Toil of Trace and Trail
2  The last sensations of pain left him.
The Call of the Wild By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In Chapter V. The Toil of Trace and Trail
3  Despite the pain and helplessness, Spitz struggled madly to keep up.
The Call of the Wild By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In Chapter III. The Dominant Primordial Beast
4  His muscles became hard as iron, and he grew callous to all ordinary pain.
The Call of the Wild By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In Chapter II. The Law of Club and Fang
5  All the pain he had endured was as nothing compared with the exquisite agony of this.
The Call of the Wild By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In Chapter I. Into the Primitive
6  Mercedes looked at them imploringly, untold repugnance at sight of pain written in her pretty face.
The Call of the Wild By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In Chapter V. The Toil of Trace and Trail
7  The pain of the beating was dull and distant, just as the things their eyes saw and their ears heard seemed dull and distant.
The Call of the Wild By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In Chapter V. The Toil of Trace and Trail
8  Sometimes, in the traces, when jerked by a sudden stoppage of the sled, or by straining to start it, he would cry out with pain.
The Call of the Wild By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In Chapter IV. Who Has Won to Mastership
9  Dazed, suffering intolerable pain from throat and tongue, with the life half throttled out of him, Buck attempted to face his tormentors.
The Call of the Wild By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In Chapter I. Into the Primitive
10  An oath from Perrault, the resounding impact of a club upon a bony frame, and a shrill yelp of pain, heralded the breaking forth of pandemonium.
The Call of the Wild By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In Chapter III. The Dominant Primordial Beast
11  Then three or four western bad men aspired to clean out the town, were riddled like pepper-boxes for their pains, and public interest turned to other idols.
The Call of the Wild By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In Chapter IV. Who Has Won to Mastership
12  When he moaned and sobbed, it was with the pain of living that was of old the pain of his wild fathers, and the fear and mystery of the cold and dark that was to them fear and mystery.
The Call of the Wild By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In Chapter III. The Dominant Primordial Beast
13  They were stiff and in pain; their muscles ached, their bones ached, their very hearts ached; and because of this they became sharp of speech, and hard words were first on their lips in the morning and last at night.
The Call of the Wild By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In Chapter V. The Toil of Trace and Trail
14  Two hours of cursing and exertion got the harnesses into shape, and the wound-stiffened team was under way, struggling painfully over the hardest part of the trail they had yet encountered, and for that matter, the hardest between them and Dawson.
The Call of the Wild By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In Chapter III. The Dominant Primordial Beast
15  When the sled started, he floundered in the soft snow alongside the beaten trail, attacking Sol-leks with his teeth, rushing against him and trying to thrust him off into the soft snow on the other side, striving to leap inside his traces and get between him and the sled, and all the while whining and yelping and crying with grief and pain.
The Call of the Wild By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In Chapter IV. Who Has Won to Mastership