1 In reality he could not learn that.
2 I might have loved and have been loved in reality.
3 She had imagined him better than he was in reality.
4 Well, these women are sometimes to be met in reality.
5 But anything more than that in reality, no one cares to inquire.
6 All of it had had meaning before, but now there was no reality in it.
7 She had to let herself drop down to the reality to enjoy him as he really was.
8 In reality he had ceased to enjoy himself as long ago as the year before, when he went away to Moscow.
9 He thought of nothing but that he would see her directly, not in imagination, but living, all of her, as she was in reality.
10 In reality, of all the Russian entertainments the prince liked best French actresses and ballet dancers and white-seal champagne.
11 The reality of his suffering crushed all hopes in Levin and Kitty and in the sick man himself, leaving no doubt, no memory even of past hopes.
12 She was less dazzling in reality, but, on the other hand, there was something fresh and seductive in the living woman which was not in the portrait.
13 I do value my idea and my work awfully; but in reality only consider this: all this world of ours is nothing but a speck of mildew, which has grown up on a tiny planet.
14 But now, coming back to the world of reality, he had to make great mental efforts to take in that she was alive and well, and that the creature squalling so desperately was his son.
15 Now, as always, interference made him angry, and he felt sorrowfully at once how mistaken had been his supposition that his spiritual condition could immediately change him in contact with reality.
16 The prince, on the contrary, thought everything foreign detestable, got sick of European life, kept to his Russian habits, and purposely tried to show himself abroad less European than he was in reality.