1 You shudder; and well may it be.
2 As the Count leaned over me and his hands touched me, I could not repress a shudder.
3 Whilst she did so there came a little shudder through her, as though she felt the cold.
4 The storm was fearful, and as it boomed loudly among the chimney-pots, it made me shudder.
5 She lay in her Vampire sleep, so full of life and voluptuous beauty that I shudder as though I have come to do murder.
6 I shuddered as I bent over to touch him, and every sense in me revolted at the contact; but I had to search, or I was lost.
7 I was, in fact, beginning to shudder at the presence of this being, this Un-Dead, as Van Helsing called it, and to loathe it.
8 She knew, of course, that the place was a lunatic asylum, but I could see that she was unable to repress a shudder when we entered.
9 Then she looked around the room, and seeing where she was, shuddered; she gave a loud cry, and put her poor thin hands before her pale face.
10 The wind had by this time backed to the east, and there was a shudder amongst the watchers on the cliff as they realized the terrible danger in which she now was.
11 She seems somehow more reconciled; or else the very subject seems to have become repugnant to her, for when any accidental allusion is made she actually shudders.
12 He had evidently, as the doctor said, fallen back in the seat in some sort of fright, for there was a look of fear and horror on his face that the men said made them shudder.
13 The searchlight followed her, and a shudder ran through all who saw her, for lashed to the helm was a corpse, with drooping head, which swung horribly to and fro at each motion of the ship.
14 His wife was aroused by the quick movement, and turned to him with her arms stretched out, as though to embrace him; instantly, however, she drew them in again, and putting her elbows together, held her hands before her face, and shuddered till the bed beneath her shook.