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Quotes from Gulliver's Travels 1 by Jonathan Swift
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 Current Search - six in Gulliver's Travels 1
1  There were six Spanish pieces of four pistoles each, beside twenty or thirty smaller coins.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: CHAPTER I.
2  I slept well, and as I conjectured at least six hours, for I found the day broke in two hours after I awaked.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: CHAPTER VIII.
3  The emperor lays on the table three fine silken threads of six inches long; one is blue, the other red, and the third green.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: CHAPTER III.
4  Whereupon seven monsters, like himself, came towards him with reaping-hooks in their hands, each hook about the largeness of six scythes.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: CHAPTER I.
5  I took with me six cows and two bulls alive, with as many ewes and rams, intending to carry them into my own country, and propagate the breed.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: CHAPTER VIII.
6  I was surgeon successively in two ships, and made several voyages, for six years, to the East and West Indies, by which I got some addition to my fortune.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: CHAPTER I.
7  I would sometimes lie down, and let five or six of them dance on my hand; and at last the boys and girls would venture to come and play at hide-and-seek in my hair.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: CHAPTER III.
8  The people so highly resented this law, that our histories tell us, there have been six rebellions raised on that account; wherein one emperor lost his life, and another his crown.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: CHAPTER IV.
9  There were six ambassadors, with a train of about five hundred persons, and their entry was very magnificent, suitable to the grandeur of their master, and the importance of their business.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: CHAPTER V.
10  An establishment was also made of six hundred persons to be my domestics, who had board-wages allowed for their maintenance, and tents built for them very conveniently on each side of my door.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: CHAPTER II.
11  The short time I continued in England, I made a considerable profit by showing my cattle to many persons of quality and others: and before I began my second voyage, I sold them for six hundred pounds.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: CHAPTER VIII.
12  His majesty, who is a most magnanimous prince, was less daunted than I could expect: he ordered me to return it into the scabbard, and cast it on the ground as gently as I could, about six feet from the end of my chain.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: CHAPTER II.
13  But the colonel ordered six of the ringleaders to be seized, and thought no punishment so proper as to deliver them bound into my hands; which some of his soldiers accordingly did, pushing them forward with the butt-ends of their pikes into my reach.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: CHAPTER II.
14  I consulted the most experienced seamen upon the depth of the channel, which they had often plumbed; who told me, that in the middle, at high-water, it was seventy glumgluffs deep, which is about six feet of European measure; and the rest of it fifty glumgluffs at most.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: CHAPTER V.
15  I desired he would order several sticks of two feet high, and the thickness of an ordinary cane, to be brought me; whereupon his majesty commanded the master of his woods to give directions accordingly; and the next morning six woodmen arrived with as many carriages, drawn by eight horses to each.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: CHAPTER III.
16  In a little time I felt something alive moving on my left leg, which advancing gently forward over my breast, came almost up to my chin; when, bending my eyes downwards as much as I could, I perceived it to be a human creature not six inches high, with a bow and arrow in his hands, and a quiver at his back.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: CHAPTER I.
17  It is upon this account that the image of Justice, in their courts of judicature, is formed with six eyes, two before, as many behind, and on each side one, to signify circumspection; with a bag of gold open in her right hand, and a sword sheathed in her left, to show she is more disposed to reward than to punish.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: CHAPTER VI.
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