SORROW in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
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 Current Search - sorrow in Wuthering Heights
1  You never had one shadow of substantial sorrow, Miss Catherine.
Wuthering Heights By Emily Bronte
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER XXI
2  For himself, he grew desperate: his sorrow was of that kind that will not lament.
Wuthering Heights By Emily Bronte
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER VIII
3  I do not know whether it was sorrow for him, but his cousin put on as sad a countenance as himself, and returned to her father.
Wuthering Heights By Emily Bronte
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER XIX
4  A sorrowful sight I saw: dark night coming down prematurely, and sky and hills mingled in one bitter whirl of wind and suffocating snow.
Wuthering Heights By Emily Bronte
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER II
5  We were reconciled; but we cried, both of us, the whole time I stayed: not entirely for sorrow; yet I was sorry Linton had that distorted nature.
Wuthering Heights By Emily Bronte
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER XXIV
6  He maintained a hard, careless deportment, indicative of neither joy nor sorrow: if anything, it expressed a flinty gratification at a piece of difficult work successfully executed.
Wuthering Heights By Emily Bronte
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER XVII
7  Her countenance grew wan with watching and sorrow, and my master gladly dismissed her to what he flattered himself would be a happy change of scene and society; drawing comfort from the hope that she would not now be left entirely alone after his death.
Wuthering Heights By Emily Bronte
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER XXVII