STATELY in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
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 Current Search - stately in Little Women
1  brilliant throng that filled the stately halls of Count.
Little Women By Louisa May Alcott
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER TEN
2  Mrs. Gardiner, a stately old lady, greeted them kindly and handed them over to the eldest of her six daughters.
Little Women By Louisa May Alcott
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER THREE
3  When she went home, he walked with her to her own gate, shook hands cordially, and touched his hat as he marched back again, looking very stately and erect, like a handsome, soldierly old gentleman, as he was.
Little Women By Louisa May Alcott
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER SIX
4  On the other side was a stately stone mansion, plainly betokening every sort of comfort and luxury, from the big coach house and well-kept grounds to the conservatory and the glimpses of lovely things one caught between the rich curtains.
Little Women By Louisa May Alcott
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER FIVE
5  Here was another fine chance to make the crushing speech and the stately exit, but Meg never thought of doing either, and disgraced herself forever in Jo's eyes by meekly whispering, "Yes, John," and hiding her face on Mr. Brooke's waistcoat.
Little Women By Louisa May Alcott
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE
6  With that she rushed across the street so impetuously that she narrowly escaped annihilation from a passing truck, and precipitated herself into the arms of a stately old gentleman, who said, "I beg pardon, ma'am," and looked mortally offended.
Little Women By Louisa May Alcott
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER FORTY-SIX
7  Out in the garden stood a stately snow maiden, crowned with holly, bearing a basket of fruit and flowers in one hand, a great roll of music in the other, a perfect rainbow of an Afghan round her chilly shoulders, and a Christmas carol issuing from her lips on a pink paper streamer.
Little Women By Louisa May Alcott
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO
8  In this room there was a wardrobe full of old-fashioned costumes with which Esther allowed her to play, and it was her favorite amusement to array herself in the faded brocades, and parade up and down before the long mirror, making stately curtsies, and sweeping her train about with a rustle which delighted her ears.
Little Women By Louisa May Alcott
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER NINETEEN
9  But the crowning joke was Mr. Laurence and Aunt March, for when the stately old gentleman chasseed solemnly up to the old lady, she just tucked her cane under her arm, and hopped briskly away to join hands with the rest and dance about the bridal pair, while the young folks pervaded the garden like butterflies on a midsummer day.
Little Women By Louisa May Alcott
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE