1 "I'll soon have no need of much strength, I'll use all of it now," he thought.
2 The country life will give you strength, that will be good, there's bound to be a lot of hard work ahead of you.
3 with his head at an angle, "that's not how an innocent man behaves when he's accused of something, not if he's still got any strength in him."
4 He would have liked just to sit quietly where he was until he had enough strength to leave, and the less fuss people made about him the sooner that would be.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter Three In the empty Courtroom - The Student - The ... 5 It seemed to him that all his strength returned to him at once, and to get a foretaste of freedom he stepped straight on to one of the stairs and took his leave there of his companions, who bowed to him.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter Three In the empty Courtroom - The Student - The ... 6 He was not able to show his full worth, was not able to take all the work from the official bodies, he lacked the rest of the strength he needed and this final shortcoming was the fault of whoever had denied it to him.
7 "So that's it," said the student, "oh no, you're not going to get her," and with a strength you would not have expected from him, he glanced tenderly at her, lifted her up on one arm and, his back bent under the weight, ran with her to the door.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter Three In the empty Courtroom - The Student - The ... 8 This decision, on the day he intended to go to see the lawyer, took a lot of the strength he needed for his work, he worked exceptionally slowly, he had to remain in his office a long time, and it was already past ten o'clock when he finally stood in front of the lawyer's front door.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter Eight Block, the businessman - Dismissing the ... 9 But in a tone that was much more committed he went on, "As far as your nephew's affairs are concerned, this will be an extremely difficult undertaking and I'd count myself lucky if my strength lasted out long enough for it; I'm greatly afraid it won't do, but anyway I don't want to leave anything untried; if I don't last out you can always get somebody else."