1 He tried not to change his former way of life, but his strength failed him.
2 "I must use my freedom while I feel so much strength and youth in me," he said to himself.
3 The novelty of Truth endowed her with special strength, but now we need much more powerful methods.
4 I knew that if I once let myself see her I should not have strength to go on refusing what she wanted.
5 Perhaps, I often think, she was too angelically innocent to have the strength to perform all a mother's duties.
6 The smell was so strong there that Rostov held his nose and had to pause and collect his strength before he could go on.
7 Only now, on his visit to Bald Hills, did Pierre fully realize the strength and charm of his friendship with Prince Andrew.
8 He sucked and swallowed the cold snow, his lips quivered but his eyes, still smiling, glittered with effort and exasperation as he mustered his remaining strength.
9 He told him that he should try to do nothing to stain the whiteness of that apron, which symbolized strength and purity; then of the unexplained trowel, he told him to toil with it to cleanse his own heart from vice, and indulgently to smooth with it the heart of his neighbor.
10 Despite the weakness of age, which had become particularly noticeable since the time when he thought his son had been killed, he did not think it right to refuse a duty to which he had been appointed by the Emperor himself, and this fresh opportunity for action gave him new energy and strength.
11 He did not even remember how formerly, on the strength of similar wretched logical arguments, it had seemed obvious that he would be degrading himself if he now, after the lessons he had had in life, allowed himself to believe in the possibility of being useful and in the possibility of happiness or love.