THANK in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Anna Karenina 1 by Leo Tolstoy
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 Current Search - thank in Anna Karenina 1
1  on the land, and thank God for that.
Anna Karenina 2 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 6: Chapter 29
2  You must thank Him, and pray to Him for succor.
Anna Karenina 2 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 5: Chapter 22
3  He thanked her by a smile, and sat down beside her.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: Chapter 4
4  When she had finished, they all thanked her again, and went off to tea.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: Chapter 32
5  Marya Yevgenyevna and her daughter expressed their thanks and admiration.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: Chapter 32
6  The marshal of the province got up, thanked the nobility for their confidence, and shed tears.
Anna Karenina 2 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 6: Chapter 26
7  It was all so simple, but he took it so awkwardly, and was so long thanking me, that I felt awkward too.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: Chapter 33
8  I only know that she thanks God for everything, for every misfortune, and thanks God too that her husband died.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: Chapter 34
9  No; we only came to fetch you and thank you," she said, rewarding him with a smile that was like a gift, "for coming.
Anna Karenina 2 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 4: Chapter 13
10  The bailiff came in, and said everything, thank God, was doing well; but informed him that the buckwheat in the new drying machine had been a little scorched.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: Chapter 26
11  When the reader had finished, the chairman thanked him and read some verses of the poet Ment sent him on the jubilee, and said a few words by way of thanks to the poet.
Anna Karenina 3 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 7: Chapter 3
12  When the reader had finished, the chairman thanked him and read some verses of the poet Ment sent him on the jubilee, and said a few words by way of thanks to the poet.
Anna Karenina 3 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 7: Chapter 3
13  Stepan Arkadyevitch had learned easily at school, thanks to his excellent abilities, but he had been idle and mischievous, and therefore was one of the lowest in his class.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: Chapter 5
14  Be that as it might, when, on the seventh day, he parted from the prince, who was starting for Moscow, and received his thanks, he was happy to be rid of his uncomfortable position and the unpleasant reflection of himself.
Anna Karenina 2 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 4: Chapter 1
15  Several times he repeated the words: "I have served to the best of my powers with truth and good faith, I value your goodness and thank you," and suddenly he stopped short from the tears that choked him, and went out of the room.
Anna Karenina 2 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 6: Chapter 28
16  And so, simply and easily, thanks to the facilities of town life, Levin settled a question which, in the country, would have called for so much personal trouble and exertion, and going out onto the steps, he called a sledge, sat down, and drove to Nikitsky.
Anna Karenina 3 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 7: Chapter 2
17  Just as incontestably as it was necessary to repay a debt was it necessary to keep the property in such a condition that his son, when he received it as a heritage, would say "thank you" to his father as Levin had said "thank you" to his grandfather for all he built and planted.
Anna Karenina 3 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 8: Chapter 10
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