1 Behind us, the Negroes did the same.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 2: Chapter 19 2 You saw the same thing that night in front of the jail.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 2: Chapter 23 3 Things were more or less the same during my early years.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 2: Chapter 13 4 Nearly the same age, they had grown up together at Finch's Landing.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 1: Chapter 5 5 This time the tactics were different, but Aunt Alexandra's aim was the same.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 2: Chapter 23 6 He had probably never seen three quarters together at the same time in his life.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 1: Chapter 2 7 Jem and I had heard the same sermon Sunday after Sunday, with only one exception.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 2: Chapter 12 8 The old house was the same, droopy and sick, but as we stared down the street we thought we saw an inside shutter move.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 1: Chapter 1 9 As a result the town remained the same size for a hundred years, an island in a patchwork sea of cottonfields and timberland.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 2: Chapter 13 10 New people so rarely settled there, the same families married the same families until the members of the community looked faintly alike.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 2: Chapter 13 11 He was beginning to preface some things he said with a throaty noise, and I thought he must at last be getting old, but he looked the same.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 2: Chapter 13 12 Old Sarum, their stamping grounds, was populated by two families separate and apart in the beginning, but unfortunately bearing the same name.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 2: Chapter 16 13 The tribe of which Burris Ewell and his brethren consisted had lived on the same plot of earth behind the Maycomb dump, and had thrived on county welfare money for three generations.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 2: Chapter 13 14 Gracious child, I was raveling a thread, wasn't even thinking about your father, but now that I am I'll say this: Atticus Finch is the same in his house as he is on the public streets.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 1: Chapter 5 15 The Levy family met all criteria for being Fine Folks: they did the best they could with the sense they had, and they had been living on the same plot of ground in Maycomb for five generations.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 2: Chapter 15 16 The second grade was grim, but Jem assured me that the older I got the better school would be, that he started off the same way, and it was not until one reached the sixth grade that one learned anything of value.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 1: Chapter 7 17 The feeling grew until the atmosphere in the courtroom was exactly the same as a cold February morning, when the mockingbirds were still, and the carpenters had stopped hammering on Miss Maudie's new house, and every wood door in the neighborhood was shut as tight as the doors of the Radley Place.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 2: Chapter 21 Your search result may include more than 17 sentences. If you upgrade to a VIP account, you will see up to 500 sentences for one search.