1 All through that summer the work of the farm went like clockwork.
2 All orders were now issued through Squealer or one of the other pigs.
3 Napoleon had accepted, through Whymper, a contract for four hundred eggs a week.
4 Too amazed and frightened to speak, all the animals crowded through the door to watch the chase.
5 On some suitable pretext Whymper was led through the store-shed and allowed to catch a glimpse of the bins.
6 This very morning we begin rebuilding the windmill, and we will build all through the winter, rain or shine.
7 As soon as the light in the bedroom went out there was a stirring and a fluttering all through the farm buildings.
8 Then he put on an extra spurt and, with a few inches to spare, slipped through a hole in the hedge and was seen no more.
9 Meanwhile, through the agency of Whymper, Napoleon was engaged in complicated negotiations with Frederick and Pilkington.
10 Frequently he did not even appear on Sunday mornings, but issued his orders through one of the other pigs, usually Squealer.
11 And so, almost before they knew what was happening, the Rebellion had been successfully carried through: Jones was expelled, and the Manor Farm was theirs.
12 They were so delighted with the song that they sang it right through five times in succession, and might have continued singing it all night if they had not been interrupted.
13 Early in October, when the corn was cut and stacked and some of it was already threshed, a flight of pigeons came whirling through the air and alighted in the yard of Animal Farm in the wildest excitement.
14 But once again the men, with their sticks and their hobnailed boots, were too strong for them; and suddenly, at a squeal from Snowball, which was the signal for retreat, all the animals turned and fled through the gateway into the yard.
15 Rumours of a wonderful farm, where the human beings had been turned out and the animals managed their own affairs, continued to circulate in vague and distorted forms, and throughout that year a wave of rebelliousness ran through the countryside.
16 Except through Whymper, there was as yet no contact between Animal Farm and the outside world, but there were constant rumours that Napoleon was about to enter into a definite business agreement either with Mr. Pilkington of Foxwood or with Mr. Frederick of Pinchfield--but never, it was noticed, with both simultaneously.
17 They met with many difficulties--for instance, later in the year, when they harvested the corn, they had to tread it out in the ancient style and blow away the chaff with their breath, since the farm possessed no threshing machine--but the pigs with their cleverness and Boxer with his tremendous muscles always pulled them through.
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