1 Not now, sweet Desdemon, some other time.
2 Take it, and do 't, and leave me for this time.'
3 You, or any man living, may be drunk at a time, man.
4 I prithee name the time, but let it not Exceed three days.
5 There are many events in the womb of time which will be delivered.
6 I will bestow you where you shall have time To speak your bosom freely.
7 Gone she is, And what's to come of my despised time, Is naught but bitterness.
8 After some time, to abuse Othello's ear That he is too familiar with his wife.
9 To prison, till fit time Of law and course of direct session Call thee to answer.
10 I fear the trust Othello puts him in, On some odd time of his infirmity, Will shake this island.
11 For I mine own gain'd knowledge should profane If I would time expend with such a snipe But for my sport and profit.
12 I have this while with leaden thoughts been press'd, But I shall in a more continuate time Strike off this score of absence.
13 As the time, the place, and the condition of this country stands, I could heartily wish this had not befallen; but since it is as it is, mend it for your own good.
14 Do you find some occasion to anger Cassio, either by speaking too loud, or tainting his discipline, or from what other course you please, which the time shall more favourably minister.
15 Leave it to time: Though it be fit that Cassio have his place, For sure he fills it up with great ability, Yet if you please to hold him off awhile, You shall by that perceive him and his means.
16 You shall mark Many a duteous and knee-crooking knave That, doting on his own obsequious bondage, Wears out his time, much like his master's ass, For nought but provender, and when he's old, cashier'd.
17 But he, sir, had the election, And I, of whom his eyes had seen the proof At Rhodes, at Cyprus, and on other grounds, Christian and heathen, must be belee'd and calm'd By debitor and creditor, this counter-caster, He, in good time, must his lieutenant be, And I, God bless the mark, his Moorship's ancient.
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