1 And together we went into the room.
2 Presently, with an excuse, he left me, asking me to put all my papers together.
3 They came close to me, and looked at me for some time, and then whispered together.
4 Her mother rejoiced when she saw her, and we all spent a very happy evening together.
5 He wetted the poor white lips with it, and together we rubbed palm and wrist and heart.
6 He took us to his house, where there were rooms for us all nice and comfortable, and we dined together.
7 He too pulled himself together, and spoke as cheerily as he could, so that the best was made of everything.
8 When we got in, and had washed our feet, and had said a prayer of thankfulness together, I tucked her into bed.
9 I am longing to be with you, and by the sea, where we can talk together freely and build our castles in the air.
10 We have such walks and drives, and rides, and rowing, and tennis, and fishing together; and I love him more than ever.
11 He often comes to see us, and he and mamma get on very well together; they have so many things to talk about in common.
12 After a long spell she seemed sinking off to sleep, but with an effort seemed to pull herself together and shook it off.
13 Later in the day I got together the whole crew, and told them, as they evidently thought there was some one in the ship, we would search from stem to stern.
14 I shall come in for tea, and we can go away together; I am filled with anxiety, and want to consult with you alone as soon as I can after you have seen her.
15 Though we were in shelter, we could hear the rising wind, for it moaned and whistled through the rocks, and the branches of the trees crashed together as we swept along.
16 Mina, we have told all our secrets to each other since we were children; we have slept together and eaten together, and laughed and cried together; and now, though I have spoken, I would like to speak more.
17 He raised his hands over his head in a sort of mute despair, and then beat his palms together in a helpless way; finally he sat down on a chair, and putting his hands before his face, began to sob, with loud, dry sobs that seemed to come from the very racking of his heart.
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