TRUTH in Classic Quotes

Simple words can express big ideas - learn how great writers to make beautiful sentences with common words.
Quotes from Anthem by Ayn Rand
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 Current Search - truth in Anthem
1  It is above all our brothers to us, and its truth above their truth.
Anthem By Ayn Rand
ContextHighlight   In PART SEVEN
2  It is my mind which thinks, and the judgement of my mind is the only searchlight that can find the truth.
Anthem By Ayn Rand
ContextHighlight   In PART ELEVEN
3  I understood that centuries of chains and lashes will not kill the spirit of man nor the sense of truth within him.
Anthem By Ayn Rand
ContextHighlight   In PART TWELVE
4  We have torn ourselves from the truth which is our brother men, and there is no road back for us, and no redemption.
Anthem By Ayn Rand
ContextHighlight   In PART SEVEN
5  Then here, on this mountaintop, with the world below me and nothing above me but the sun, I shall live my own truth.
Anthem By Ayn Rand
ContextHighlight   In PART TWELVE
6  And these words are the truth, for they are written on the Palace of the World Council, and the World Council is the body of all truth.
Anthem By Ayn Rand
ContextHighlight   In PART ONE
7  The Saint of the pyre had seen the future when he chose me as his heir, as the heir of all the saints and all the martyrs who came before him and who died for the same cause, for the same word, no matter what name they gave to their cause and their truth.
Anthem By Ayn Rand
ContextHighlight   In PART TWELVE