1 We have about twenty minutes at our disposal.
2 For perhaps twenty seconds he sat without stirring.
3 For perhaps twenty seconds they were hauling at him.
4 About twenty or thirty of them a week were falling on London at present.
5 It was a sheer drop of ten or twenty metres, with boulders at the bottom.
6 He wondered whether she took in washing for a living or was merely the slave of twenty or thirty grandchildren.
7 And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be REDUCED to twenty grammes a week.
8 It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grammes a week.
9 Actually, as Winston was aware, the chocolate ration was to be reduced from thirty grammes to twenty at the end of the present week.
10 She was about the right age and physique, and it was probable that people changed somewhat after twenty years in a forced-labour camp.
11 There was one about four and twenty blackbirds, and another about a cow with a crumpled horn, and another about the death of poor Cock Robin.
12 The speech had been proceeding for perhaps twenty minutes when a messenger hurried on to the platform and a scrap of paper was slipped into the speaker's hand.
13 They were born, they grew up in the gutters, they went to work at twelve, they passed through a brief blossoming-period of beauty and sexual desire, they married at twenty, they were middle-aged at thirty, they died, for the most part, at sixty.
14 And sure enough, following on a gory description of the annihilation of a Eurasian army, with stupendous figures of killed and prisoners, came the announcement that, as from next week, the chocolate ration would be reduced from thirty grammes to twenty.