VIEW in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Between the Acts by Virginia Woolf
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 Current Search - view in Between the Acts
1  The view repeated in its own way what the tune was saying.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 9
2  The view laid bare by the sun was flattened, silenced, stilled.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 5
3  Some sat down; others stood a moment, turned, and looked at the view.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 9
4  She could feel them slipping through her fingers, looking at the view.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 10
5  Mrs. Swithin and William surveyed the view aloofly, and with detachment.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 5
6  Many eyes, Miss La Trobe knew, for every cell in her body was absorbent, looked at the view.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 10
7  They looked at the view; they looked at what they knew, to see if what they knew might perhaps be different today.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 4
8  There they sat, facing the empty stage, the cows, the meadows and the view, while the machine ticked in the bushes.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 11
9  Then she sighed, pretending to express not her own drowsiness, but something connected with what she felt about views.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 5
10  "That's what makes a view so sad," said Mrs. Swithin, lowering herself into the deck-chair which Giles had brought her.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 4
11  His father, whom he loved, he exempted from censure; as for himself, one thing followed another; and so he sat, with old fogies, looking at views.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 4
12  Giles went back to the house and brought more chairs and placed them in a semi-circle, so that the view might be shared, and the shelter of the old wall.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 4
13  They stared at the view, as if something might happen in one of those fields to relieve them of the intolerable burden of sitting silent, doing nothing, in company.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 5
14  Thus only could he show his irritation, his rage with old fogies who sat and looked at views over coffee and cream when the whole of Europe--over there--was bristling like.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 4
15  How tempting, how very tempting, to let the view triumph; to reflect its ripple; to let their own minds ripple; to let outlines elongate and pitch over--so--with a sudden jerk.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 5
16  A length of yellow brocade was visible half-way up; and, as one reached the top, a small powdered face, a great head-dress slung with pearls, came into view; an ancestress of sorts.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 1
17  The sun was sinking; the colours were merging; and the view was saying how after toil men rest from their labours; how coolness comes; reason prevails; and having unharnessed the team from the plough, neighbours dig in cottage gardens and lean over cottage gates.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 9
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