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Quotes from Between the Acts by Virginia Woolf
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 Current Search - which in Between the Acts
1  The Barn to which Lucy had nailed her placard was a great building in the farmyard.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 2
2  Then Mr. Oliver crumpled the paper which he had cocked into a snout and appeared in person.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 1
3  And she waved her hand upon which there was a glove, and under the glove it seemed rings, at old Mr. Oliver.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 3
4  He must, rather laboriously, tell them the story of the pictures at which the unknown guest had been looking when Giles came in.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 3
5  which she was forced to do, rising at last from her chair, in her faded dressing-gown, with the pigtails falling over each shoulder.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 1
6  And the local train, which met the express train, arrived by no means punctually, even if he caught the early train which was by no means certain.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 2
7  which was romantic and then, building word upon word she read: "The troopers told her the horse had a green tail; but she found it was just an ordinary horse."
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 1
8  Their roots broke the turf, and among those bones were green waterfalls and cushions of grass in which violets grew in spring or in summer the wild purple orchis.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 1
9  In which case it meant--but what it meant to Mrs. Sands, when people missed their trains, and she, whatever she might want to do, must wait, by the oven, keeping meat hot, no one knew.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 2
10  Not a word passed between them as she went to the cupboard in the corner and replaced the hammer, which she had taken without asking leave; together--she unclosed her fist--with a handful of nails.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 1
11  So she sat down to morning tea, like any other old lady with a high nose, thin cheeks, a ring on her finger and the usual trappings of rather shabby but gallant old age, which included in her case a cross gleaming gold on her breast.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 1
12  So with blow after blow, with champagne and ogling, she staked out her claim to be a wild child of nature, blowing into this--she did give one secret smile--sheltered harbour; which did make her smile, after London; yet it did, too, challenge London.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 3
13  Mrs. Giles Oliver drew the comb through the thick tangle of hair which, after giving the matter her best attention, she had never had shingled or bobbed; and lifted the heavily embossed silver brush that had been a wedding present and had its uses in impressing chambermaids in hotels.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 1
14  His hair curled; far from running away, as many chins did, his was firm; the nose straight, if short; the eyes, of course, with that hair, blue; and finally to make the type complete, there was something fierce, untamed, in the expression which incited her, even at forty-five, to furbish up her ancient batteries.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 3
15  The nurses after breakfast were trundling the perambulator up and down the terrace; and as they trundled they were talking--not shaping pellets of information or handing ideas from one to another, but rolling words, like sweets on their tongues; which, as they thinned to transparency, gave off pink, green, and sweetness.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 1
16  But when Mrs. Manresa added, to make all shipshape: "He's an artist," and when William Dodge corrected her: "I'm a clerk in an office"--she thought he said Education or Somerset House--she had her finger on the knot which had tied itself so tightly, almost to the extent of squinting, certainly of twitching, in his face."
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 3
17  Then, returning to the kitchen, she made those quick movements at the oven, cinder raking, stoking, damping, which sent strange echoes through the house, so that in the library, the sitting-room, the dining-room, and the nursery, whatever they were doing, thinking, saying, they knew, they all knew, it was getting on for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
ContextHighlight   In Unit 2
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