Grade 7 Reading Exercise

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Short Business Courses
Words: 265    Suggest to finish in 5 minutes.
What To Do In Fire
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Workplace Dismissals
Words: 513    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
Places To Visit
Words: 530    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
The Legend of John Henry
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Top Dog
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The X Games: A History
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Take a Bow
Words: 709    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
A Perfect Storm
Words: 729    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
Fire in the Sky
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Building the Frozen Ark
Words: 737    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
Carrie Underwood
Words: 783    Suggest to finish in 15 minutes.
 Today's Question
Questions 1-6: Select your answers
Fact: A fact is something that is known to be true.
Opinion: An opinion is what a person believes. It may or may not be true.
1. The Tunguska Event was the most important scientific event in Russia during the 20th century.
Answer 1:

2. Most of the Chelyabinsk asteroid was destroyed when it exploded.
Answer 2:

3. Our solar system contains millions of asteroids that vary greatly in size.
Answer 3:

4. Meteor showers provide dazzlingly beautiful streaks of light across the night sky.
Answer 4:

5. Most likely, scientists will be unable to identify the next asteroid heading toward Earth.
Answer 5:

6. The Chelyabinsk asteroid was estimated to be about 65 feet in diameter.
Answer 6:
Questions 7: Select the right answer.
7. Where does the Tunguska Event get its name?
A)The first scientist to write about the event was Dr. Ivan Tunguska.
B)The asteroid exploded and destroyed a region near the Tunguska River.
C)Tunguska is the Russian word for “asteroid.”
Answer 7: