1 A traditional Indian custom used to involve widows burning themselves alive on their husbands' funeral pyres.
2 Ludo is a version of an ancient Indian racing game.
3 The Indian Prime Minister, V P Singh, lost a vote of confidence in the Indian parliament.
4 He was a prime mover in the bid to get better pay for West Indian cricketers.
5 He is a writer of Indian descent and draws upon diverse cultural influences.
6 He was one of the world's foremost scholars of ancient Indian culture.
7 Many tourists cannot tell the difference between authentic Indian craftwork and imported imitations.
8 There is one part of the country with an especially large Indian population.
9 He said he wanted "to establish a rapport with the Indian people".
10 The Indian caste system is an example of social stratification.
11 For real Indian food, just follow these recipes.
12 Most Indian restaurants offer free delivery.
13 Though the Indian labor pool is large, it is also primarily unskilled.
14 The caste system shapes nearly every facet of Indian life.
15 He studies in particular the fishes of the Indian Ocean.