1 During the first months Ethan alternately burned with the desire to see Mattie defy her and trembled with fear of the result.
2 She wished alternately that she had worn a spinsterish high-necked dress, and that she had dared to shock them with a violent brick-red scarf which she had bought in Chicago.
3 She alternately raged and flinched at the superiority of the merchants.
4 She alternately considered ways of leaving Kennicott, and remembered his virtues, pitied his bewilderment in face of the subtle corroding sicknesses which he could not dose nor cut out.
5 He awoke before they set out; all the way home he alternately slept and tried to make love to her.
6 The manner in which the Bishop describes it, as alternately rising and sinking, with some other particulars he narrates, in all this the two correspond.
7 But, as time, and debasing influences, and despair, hardened womanhood within her, and waked the fires of fiercer passions, she had become in a measure his mistress, and he alternately tyrannized over and dreaded her.
8 Even the Duchess sneezed occasionally; and as for the baby, it was sneezing and howling alternately without a moment's pause.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland By Lewis CarrollContext Highlight In CHAPTER VI. Pig and Pepper 9 Mary alternately cried and slept through the hours.
10 As the police minister related this to the king, Villefort, who looked as if his very life hung on the speaker's lips, turned alternately red and pale.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre DumasContext Highlight In Chapter 11. The Corsican Ogre. 11 "And I am still mourning her loss," exclaimed the major, drawing from his pocket a checked handkerchief, and alternately wiping first the left and then the right eye.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre DumasContext Highlight In Chapter 55. Major Cavalcanti. 12 As he thought thus, he looked alternately at the window with red curtains and the three windows with white curtains.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre DumasContext Highlight In Chapter 73. The Promise. 13 She spent whole hours at the pianoforte alternately singing and crying; her voice often totally suspended by her tears.
14 Elinor was alternately diverted and pained; but Marianne persevered, and saw every night in the brightness of the fire, and every morning in the appearance of the atmosphere, the certain symptoms of approaching frost.
15 Thus I made the second discovery on that first occasion, that the nurture of the little Pockets consisted of alternately tumbling up and lying down.