1 The cost given is only approximate.
2 Not all old photographs are dated, but internal evidence may help to establish an approximate date.
3 The approximate date of his departure is next month.
4 The way that the trunk of a tree divides into smaller and smaller branches and twigs is an approximate fractal pattern.
5 The Prime Minister has made a statement closely approximate to a falsehood.
6 The approximate time is three o'clock.
7 The conclusions of yours both approximate to the truth.
8 Cooking time is approximate based on the size of the fish.
9 That is a fair approximation of the way in which the next boss is being chosen.
10 This is a good first approximation of the concept of the transnational capitalist class that I want to develop.
11 Clearly that's an approximation, but my guess is there'll be a reasonable balance.
12 According to testimony at the guilty plea hearing, Mr. Haltinner, used an assumed online identity to sell approximately 637000 stolen credit card numbers.
13 The earth has a circumference of approximately 24900 miles.
14 A garden statue of Buddha was in a light finish approximately 110 cm high and 54 cm by 50 cm wide.
15 Topsoil is the upper surface of the Earth's crust, and usually is no deeper than approximately eight inches.