1 She ran around the shrubs and paths towards the secret garden.
2 Another pause, and more eying and sidling around each other.
3 When she cautiously faced around again, a peach lay before her.
4 She ran to the door; he was not in sight; she flew around to the play-yard; he was not there.
5 There was no getting around the authorities, so Joe turned, received the whack and fell.
6 Then he sat up, pushing the body from him, and gazed at it, and then around him, confusedly.
7 Potter lifted his face and looked around him with a pathetic hopelessness in his eyes.
8 He began to find himself hanging around her father's house, nights, and feeling very miserable.
9 Then he went tearing around the house again spreading chaos and destruction in his path.
10 You go over that way and I'll hunt around by the spring.
11 I'd like to see her get around this with her rubbage 'bout superstition.'
12 And finally, when they got out their pipes and went serenely puffing around, the very summit of glory was reached.
13 She glanced around; found herself alone, and the next instant she had the book in her hands.
14 Tom, I don't like to fool around much where there's dead people.
15 Yes, but, Huck, ghosts don't travel around only at night.