1 I had already observed that he was as sensitive to flattery on the score of his art as any girl could be of her beauty.
A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In PART I: CHAPTER IV. WHAT JOHN RANCE HAD TO TELL 2 That's an art which every detective should be an expert at.
A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In PART I: CHAPTER V. OUR ADVERTISEMENT BRINGS A VISITOR 3 There is no branch of detective science which is so important and so much neglected as the art of tracing footsteps.
A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In PART II: CHAPTER VII. THE CONCLUSION 4 Herein lay the spring of the mechanical art and mystery of educating the reason without stooping to the cultivation of the sentiments and affections.
5 Thou art not the man to cast the last stone, Stephen, when she is brought so low.
6 Thou art right," said Gurth; "it were ill that Aymer saw the Lady Rowena; and it were worse, it may be, for Cedric to quarrel, as is most likely he would, with this military monk.
7 Her profuse hair, of a colour betwixt brown and flaxen, was arranged in a fanciful and graceful manner in numerous ringlets, to form which art had probably aided nature.
8 "I am fitter to meet death than thou art" answered the Disinherited Knight; for by this name the stranger had recorded himself in the books of the tourney.
9 Thou art an honest fellow," replied the robber, "I warrant thee; and we worship not St Nicholas so devoutly but what thy thirty zecchins may yet escape, if thou deal uprightly with us.
10 Thou art a saucy groom," said the robber, "but of that anon.
11 Nevertheless, thou art my guest, and I will not put thy manhood to the proof without thine own free will.
12 It speedily appeared, that if the knight was not a complete master of the minstrel art, his taste for it had at least been cultivated under the best instructors.
13 Ay, as honest a keeper as thou art a pious hermit," replied the knight, "I doubt it not.
14 Come on, Jack Priest," said Locksley, "and be silent; thou art as noisy as a whole convent on a holy eve, when the Father Abbot has gone to bed.
15 Thou art proud, Rowena, and thou art the fitter to be my wife.