AVARICE in a Sentence

Learn AVARICE from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

10 example sentences for AVARICE, such as:

1. Porthos observed a last struggle between love and avarice.
2. Bonacieux was one of profound selfishness mixed with sordid avarice, the whole seasoned with extreme cowardice.
3. Hatred evidently inspired the Englishman, who, knowing no other reproach to bring on the count, accused him of avarice.
4. King Midas is a perfect example of avarice, for he was so greedy that he wished everything he touched would turn to gold.
5. And, to go to the root of the matter, I affirm that this vice of ingratitude has its source either in avarice or in suspicion.

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 Meanings and Examples of AVARICE
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 n.  greediness for wealth; insatiable desire of gain
Classic Sentence:
1  And, to go to the root of the matter, I affirm that this vice of ingratitude has its source either in avarice or in suspicion.
Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius By Niccolo Machiavelli
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 1: CHAPTER XXIX.
2  of France, in return for which he engaged to restore the fortresses of Pisa, yet never did restore them, manifesting thereby his bad faith and grasping avarice.
Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius By Niccolo Machiavelli
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 3: CHAPTER XLIII.
3  And thus the people of Etruria, through the avarice and perfidy of the Gauls, were at once defrauded of their money and disappointed of the help which they had counted on obtaining.
Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius By Niccolo Machiavelli
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 3: CHAPTER XLIII.
4  Hatred evidently inspired the Englishman, who, knowing no other reproach to bring on the count, accused him of avarice.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre Dumas
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 69. The Inquiry.
5  They were influenced by hatred, by avarice, and by self-love; but I was base, and for want of courage acted against my judgment.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre Dumas
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 112. The Departure.
6  Bonacieux was one of profound selfishness mixed with sordid avarice, the whole seasoned with extreme cowardice.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre Dumas
Context  Highlight   In 13 MONSIEUR BONACIEUX
7  Porthos observed a last struggle between love and avarice.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre Dumas
Context  Highlight   In 29 HUNTING FOR THE EQUIPMENTS
8  A most remarkable circumstance is, that I really don't think he grasped this sum even so much for the gratification of his avarice, which was inordinate, as in the hatred he felt for Copperfield.
David Copperfield By Charles Dickens
9  She had already unclasped two costly bracelets and a collar, which she hastened to proffer to the supposed outlaw, concluding naturally that to gratify his avarice was to bespeak his favour.
Ivanhoe By Walter Scott
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXIV
Example Sentence:
1  King Midas is a perfect example of avarice, for he was so greedy that he wished everything he touched would turn to gold.