BANDAGE in a Sentence

Learn BANDAGE from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

94 example sentences for BANDAGE, such as:

1. She was afraid to touch the bandage.
2. Joe bandaged me up until the doctor came.
3. He wound a small bandage round her finger.
4. Her arm was bandaged from the elbow to the fingers.
5. The head of the wounded soldier was enswathed in bandages.

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 Meanings and Examples of BANDAGE
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 n.  strip of woven material, used in dressing and binding up wounds
Classic Sentence: (82 in 6 pages)
1  Last, the Confederacy needed every pair of hands for sewing, knitting, bandage rolling and nursing the wounded.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VIII
2  She saw that she was tired of the endless knitting and the endless bandage rolling and lint picking that roughened the cuticle of her nails.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER IX
3  Except for the messy business of nursing and the bore of bandage rolling, she did not care if the war lasted forever.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XII
4  Many were barefooted and here and there a dirty bandage wrapped a head or arm.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXIII
5  As the full impact of the meaning smote her, Melanie became so embarrassed that she fumbled with the bandage until it slid off the wound entirely.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XLV
6  He nodded briefly but without words to those present and quickly lifted the bandage from Ashley's shoulder.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XLV
7  Kennicott drew from the injured leg the thick red "German sock," the innumerous other socks of gray and white wool, then the spiral bandage.
Main Street By Sinclair Lewis
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XV
8  She was afraid to touch the bandage.
My Antonia By Willa Cather
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 1. The Shimerdas: XVI
9  The latter part of April Jurgis went to see the doctor, and was given a bandage to lace about his ankle, and told that he might go back to work.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 12
10  He folded it into a manner of bandage and soused water from the other canteen upon the middle of it.
The Red Badge of Courage By Stephen Crane
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 13
11  He rubbed his eyes, and then putting up his hand felt carefully the bandage over his wound.
The Red Badge of Courage By Stephen Crane
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 14
12  The awkward bandage was still about his head, and upon it, over his wound, there was a spot of dry blood.
The Red Badge of Courage By Stephen Crane
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 17
13  His hair was wondrously tousled, and some straggling, moving locks hung over the cloth of the bandage down toward his forehead.
The Red Badge of Courage By Stephen Crane
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 17
14  The lieutenant, returning from a tour after a bandage, produced from a hidden receptacle of his mind new and portentous oaths suited to the emergency.
The Red Badge of Courage By Stephen Crane
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 22
15  "Well if I hadn't thee would have pushed us down, thee sees," said Phineas, as he stooped to apply his bandage.
Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XVII
Example Sentence:
1  He wound a small bandage round her finger.
2  In a nearby medical tent, a US Army doctor gently unwinds Metruk's bandage.
3  She trussed him quickly with stolen bandage, and gagged his mouth.
4  She removed the bandage to reveal a red swollen wound oozing pus.
5  Some smiles are like bandage which covers the wound,the heart still hurts,though.
6  He never knew that Sid lay nightly watching, and frequently slipped the bandage free and then leaned on his elbow listening a good while at a time.
7  Her arm was bandaged from the elbow to the fingers.
8  Joe bandaged me up until the doctor came.
9  After you sterilize the bandages, place them in a container and seal it with a hermetic seal to protect them from contamination by airborne bacteria.
10  The gangrenous condition of the wound was indicated by the putrid smell when the bandages were removed.
11  When I visited him in the hospital, I saw nurses swathe him with bandages.
12  The head of the wounded soldier was enswathed in bandages.