BECAME in a Sentence

Learn BECAME from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

418 example sentences for BECAME, such as:

1. He became a skid row type of drunkard.
2. You are the reason why I became stronger.
3. He became reconciled to the loss of his wife.
4. He became violent and abusive toward Ben's mother.
5. He became a citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote.

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 Meanings and Examples of BECAME
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 v.  (past tense) change, or grow to be
Classic Sentence: (210 in 15 pages)
1  He became suddenly conscious that he was looking at Mattie while Zeena talked to him, and with an effort he turned his eyes to his wife.
Ethan Frome By Edith Wharton
Context  Highlight   In III
2  It was not till he led out the sorrel and backed him between the shafts of the sleigh that he once more became conscious of what he was doing.
Ethan Frome By Edith Wharton
Context  Highlight   In IX
3  A little aloof, as became an aristocrat, lay a black-spotted carriage dog, muzzle on paws, patiently waiting for the boys to go home to supper.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER I
4  Usually she made them beg and plead, while she put them off, refusing to give a Yes or No answer, laughing if they sulked, growing cool if they became angry.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER I
5  Then, last summer at a political speaking in a grove of oak trees at Jonesboro, they both suddenly became aware of Scarlett O'Hara.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER I
6  The red furrows and the gashed red road lost their magical blood color and became plain brown earth.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER II
7  He liked the South, and he soon became, in his own opinion, a Southerner.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER III
8  Gradually the plantation widened out, as Gerald bought more acres lying near him, and in time the white house became a reality instead of a dream.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER III
9  The urgent need of a wife became clear to him one morning when he was dressing to ride to town for Court Day.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER III
10  She became the best-loved neighbor in the County.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER III
11  If they showed no aptitude for any of these trades, they became field hands and, in the opinion of the negroes, they had lost their claim to any social standing at all.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER III
12  To this end, Ellen and Mammy bent their efforts, and as Scarlett grew older she became an apt pupil in this subject, even though she learned little else.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER III
13  Carreen's round little face became pink, as pleasure struggled with incredulity.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER V
14  The laughter and talking became less animated and groups here and there fell silent.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VI
15  He stuttered several times, closed his mouth and opened it again, and again became geranium colored.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VI
Example Sentence: (208 in 14 pages)
16  He climbed to the top of the tree and then became afraid to get down.
17  He became violent and abusive toward Ben's mother.
18  I first became interested in Islam while I was doing my nursing training.
19  It became impractical to make a business trip by ocean liner.
20  He became a skid row type of drunkard.
21  The small firm became a victim of its own success when it could not supply all its orders on time.
22  He was framed by the real criminals and became the victim of the evil and injustice.
23  He became a monk after seeing Saint Apollinaris in a vision.
24  She had a purposeful air, and it became evident that this was not a casual visit.
25  He became a citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote.
26  His church became a sanctuary for thousands of people who fled the civil war.
27  A short while ago, however, he became a busdriver and he has not regretted it.
28  You are the reason why I became stronger.
29  He became reconciled to the loss of his wife.
30  He became well known for pandering to any man who needed a woman.