BEHAVE in a Sentence

Learn BEHAVE from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

177 example sentences for BEHAVE, such as:

1. Oh, I must behave in my own way.
2. He behaved like a true gentleman.
3. He can't behave himself in church.
4. They behaved in a very peculiar way.
5. The soldier behaved with great courage.

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 Meanings and Examples of BEHAVE
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 v.  perform; conduct oneself in a proper way
Classic Sentence: (132 in 9 pages)
1  Get to your bed and try to behave more discreetly.
Dracula By Bram Stoker
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XVIII
2  You behave as if you were married to her already.
The Importance of Being Earnest By Oscar Wilde
Context  Highlight   In FIRST ACT
3  The only way to behave to a woman is to make love to her, if she is pretty, and to some one else, if she is plain.
The Importance of Being Earnest By Oscar Wilde
Context  Highlight   In FIRST ACT
4  What on earth induced her to behave as she did, I never could understand.
The Picture of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 3
5  Oh, I must behave in my own way.
Arms and the Man By George Bernard Shaw
Context  Highlight   In ACT III
6  You've got to learn to behave like a duchess.
Pygmalion By George Bernard Shaw
Context  Highlight   In ACT II
7  If you promise to behave yourself, Henry, I'll ask her to come down.
Pygmalion By George Bernard Shaw
Context  Highlight   In ACT V
8  And I should never have known that ladies and gentlemen didn't behave like that if you hadn't been there.
Pygmalion By George Bernard Shaw
Context  Highlight   In ACT V
9  He can't behave himself in church.
Pygmalion By George Bernard Shaw
Context  Highlight   In ACT V
10  I don't know when you'll get more sense into your head, when you'll behave like a decent, well-bred girl, when you'll know what good manners are and a proper demeanor.
The Inspector General By Nikolai Gogol
Context  Highlight   In ACT IV
11  What she found hardest to bear was to know that on such occasions she ought to behave like Mademoiselle Bourienne, but could not.
War and Peace 1 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 3: CHAPTER III
12  O God, grant that in his presence I may rather see my own vileness, and behave so that he too may benefit.
War and Peace 2 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 6: CHAPTER X
13  Only then did she remember how she must behave at a ball, and tried to assume the majestic air she considered indispensable for a girl on such an occasion.
War and Peace 2 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 6: CHAPTER XV
14  O God, if he were here now I would not behave as I did then, but differently.
War and Peace 3 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 8: CHAPTER VIII
15  The husband, however, did not seem to share that conviction and tried to behave morosely with Rostov.
War and Peace 4 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 12: CHAPTER IV
Example Sentence: (45 in 4 pages)
16  The new fighters behave gallantly under fire.
17  Children must learn to behave at table.
18  I have never known him behave other than selfishly.
19  The teacher gave her one last chance to prove she could behave.
20  I would suggest that for the time being you behave as circumspectly as possible in political matters.
21  The aim of discipline is to teach children to behave acceptably.
22  He was a little boy, but he behaved as if he was an adult.
23  He's always behaved courteously toward my family.
24  He behaved like a true gentleman.
25  For a while the children behaved well but they soon reverted to type.
26  They behaved in a very peculiar way.
27  I wonder if the child has behaved properly.
28  She behaved as any upright citizen would have under the circumstances.
29  He believes that the tabloid press has behaved disgracefully.
30  The soldier behaved with great courage.