1 It was so dark under the spruces that he could barely see the shape of her head beside his shoulder.
2 On the floor beside her stood his old valise and a bandbox wrapped in newspapers.
3 He opened the barn-door and craned his head into the obscurity, half-fearing to discover Denis Eady's roan colt in the stall beside the sorrel.
4 She sat down on the tree-trunk in the sun and he sat down beside her.
5 But, damn it, she was just so pallid and uninteresting and always the same, beside Scarlett's bright and changeable charm.
6 Driving off, with Mammy beside him, each was a perfect picture of pouting African disapproval.
7 Mammy stood beside the table, watching every forkful that traveled from plate to mouth, as though she intended to force the food down Ellen's throat should she see signs of flagging.
8 It would never do to appear schoolgirlish beside Melanie's poised self.
9 Jonas Wilkerson, hat in hand, stood beside her, his sallow tight-skinned face hardly concealing the fury of hate that possessed him at being so unceremoniously turned out of the best overseer's job in the County.
10 Mammy, as head woman of the plantation, had remained to help Ellen, and it was Dilcey who rode on the driver's seat beside Toby, the girls' dancing dresses in a long box across her lap.
11 Gerald rode beside the carriage on his big hunter, warm with brandy and pleased with himself for having gotten through with the unpleasant business of Wilkerson so speedily.
12 "That's a fine woman," said Gerald, putting on his hat and taking his place beside his own carriage.
13 John Wilkes casually but swiftly came back to his place beside the speaker, as if to impress on all present that this man was his guest and that, moreover, there were ladies present.
14 Her hand dropped to a little table beside her, fingering a tiny china rose-bowl on which two china cherubs smirked.
15 She pounded her clenched fist against the tall white pillar beside her, and she wished that she were Samson, so that she could pull down all of Twelve Oaks and destroy every person in it.