1 Over his face was the bleach of death, but set upon it was the dark and hard lines of desperate purpose.
2 Better far that your bones should bleach in this wilderness than that you should prove to be that little speck of decay which in time corrupts the whole fruit.
A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In PART II: CHAPTER I. ON THE GREAT ALKALI PLAIN 3 He would not bleach his Negro soul in a flood of white Americanism, for he knows that Negro blood has a message for the world.
4 This Ashley Wilkes in his faded, patched uniform, his blond hair bleached tow by summer suns, was a different man from the easy- going, drowsy-eyed boy she had loved to desperation before the war.
5 His wife had bleached cheeks, bleached hair, bleached voice, and a bleached manner.
6 Kennicott appeared at the inner door, ushering out a bleached man with a trickle of wan beard, and consoling him, "All right, Dad."
7 Unspeaking they sat on a bleached log, in a russet twilight which hinted of autumn.
8 In the complexion of a third still lingers a tropic tawn, but slightly bleached withal; HE doubtless has tarried whole weeks ashore.
9 It flashed like a bleached bone.
Moby Dick By Herman MelvilleContext Highlight In CHAPTER 29. Enter Ahab; to Him, Stubb. 10 As if the waves had been fullers, this craft was bleached like the skeleton of a stranded walrus.
11 The struggle in the smoke had pictured an exaggeration of itself on the bleached cheeks and in the eyes wild with one desire.
12 A few first bleached little primroses too, by the path, and yellow buds unfolding themselves.
13 But the bleached eyeball, the scar, and the familiar weariness of his expression were still the same.
14 The day had grown sultry, and in the windows of the grocers' shops musty biscuits lay bleaching.