1 Zeena took the view that Mattie was bound to make the best of Starkfield since she hadn't any other place to go to; but this did not strike Ethan as conclusive.
2 It seemed to Ethan that his heart was bound with cords which an unseen hand was tightening with every tick of the clock.
3 Moreover, Scarlett and her father were bound together by a mutual suppression agreement.
4 So the ladies felt in duty bound to stretch a point, especially in the case of so intrepid a blockader.
5 Her nerves must be shredded if the noise of the well windlass, bound up in her earliest memories, could frighten her.
6 One boy, on whose face a blond fuzz had just begun to sprout, was dumped on the front porch by a mounted soldier bound for Fayetteville.
7 A curious sense of lightness, of freedom, pervaded her now that she had finally hardened her heart against all that bound her to the old days and the old Scarlett.
8 It was this knowledge that made life endurable, this knowledge that Ashley, bound by honor, loved her from afar for beautiful things deep buried in her that he alone could see.
9 If you're bound to gad about, I'll drive you.
10 Even now they might be riding wildly through the night, bound for Texas.
11 She did not realize then that with one stroke she had cut forever any fragile tie that still bound her to the old days, to old friends.
12 They appeared, therefore, punctual and resigned, with the air of people bound for a dull "At Home," and after them Hilda and Muriel straggled, yawning and pinning each other's veils and ribbons as they came.
13 Not in the least, though I'm bound to say there are not many married people in it.
14 And I'm bound to say Lily DOES distract it: I believe he'd marry her tomorrow if he found out there was anything wrong with Bertha.
15 The first-story front of clear glass, the plates cleverly bound at the edges with brass.