1 Rumor had it that there would be heavy fighting up there near the boundary between Georgia and Tennessee.
2 With everything burned down and boundary lines wiped out, no one knows just where their land begins or ends.
3 Put by Rosedale in terms of business-like give-and-take, this understanding took on the harmless air of a mutual accommodation, like a transfer of property or a revision of boundary lines.
4 Their quarrels on this subject passed the boundary of the close-growing cedars, and were heard in the street by whoever wished to loiter and listen.
5 A wide and apparently an impervious boundary of forests severed the possessions of the hostile provinces of France and England.
6 Before opening his mouth, however, he bent his eyes slowly along the whole living boundary of earnest faces, as if to temper his expressions to the capacities of his audience.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore CooperContext Highlight In CHAPTER 29 7 He knew that Magua had not come unattended, and he also knew that Huron spies watched the movements of their new enemies, along the whole boundary of the woods.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore CooperContext Highlight In CHAPTER 31 8 My eye passed all other objects to rest on those most remote, the blue peaks; it was those I longed to surmount; all within their boundary of rock and heath seemed prison-ground, exile limits.
9 The palings of Rosings Park was their boundary on one side.
10 The park paling was still the boundary on one side, and she soon passed one of the gates into the ground.
11 The Alps here come closer to the lake, and we approached the amphitheatre of mountains which forms its eastern boundary.
12 The Greeks wept for joy when they beheld the Mediterranean from the hills of Asia, and hailed with rapture the boundary of their toils.
13 I have a strange fancy," observed the sensitive minister, "that this brook is the boundary between two worlds, and that thou canst never meet thy Pearl again.
The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel HawthorneContext Highlight In XIX. THE CHILD AT THE BROOKSIDE 14 When she reached the corner of the enclosure, where the steps were formed for mounting the boundary bank, she sprang up with a lightness which seemed strange after her listless movement towards the well.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContext Highlight In BOOK 3: 3 The First Act in a Timeworn Drama 15 The Boscombe Pool, which is a little reed-girt sheet of water some fifty yards across, is situated at the boundary between the Hatherley Farm and the private park of the wealthy Mr. Turner.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In IV. THE BOSCOMBE VALLEY MYSTERY