1 But if you'd been there much, you'd know there's a mighty rough bunch of Scallawags and Republicans and Carpetbaggers been runnin things recently.
2 But you weren't raised to sell pies any more than Tommy was raised to wrastle with a bunch of wild Irish masons.
3 It was cut low over the bosom and the skirt was draped back over an enormous bustle and on the bustle was a huge bunch of pink velvet roses.
4 I was only saying," Lily began, "that I hate to see faded flowers at luncheon; and mother says a bunch of lilies-of-the-valley would not cost more than twelve dollars.
5 Half a mile from town, in a hollow between hazelnut bushes and a brook, she discovered a gipsy encampment: a covered wagon, a tent, a bunch of pegged-out horses.
6 Calibree adumbrated, "They're a good bunch."
7 The bunch are down there now: Haydocks and Dyers and Clarks and everybody.
8 My gang were a great bunch for bumming around and raising Cain.
9 Still rolling in his blood, at last he partially disclosed a strangely discoloured bunch or protuberance, the size of a bushel, low down on the flank.
Moby Dick By Herman MelvilleContext Highlight In CHAPTER 81. The Pequod Meets The Virgin. 10 It so chanced that almost upon first cutting into him with the spade, the entire length of a corroded harpoon was found imbedded in his flesh, on the lower part of the bunch before described.
Moby Dick By Herman MelvilleContext Highlight In CHAPTER 81. The Pequod Meets The Virgin. 11 Locks are to be put upon some of his trap-doors and shutters; and a footman will show round future visitors with a bunch of keys at his side.
Moby Dick By Herman MelvilleContext Highlight In CHAPTER 102. A Bower in the Arsacides. 12 While we were lying there against the warm bank, a little insect of the palest, frailest green hopped painfully out of the buffalo grass and tried to leap into a bunch of bluestem.
13 Maybe she would be carrying home a bunch of jonquils or a hyacinth plant.
14 She had thirty cattle in her bunch; it had been dry, and the pasture was short, or she wouldn't have brought them so far.
My Antonia By Willa CatherContext Highlight In BOOK 4. The Pioneer Woman's Story: III 15 She had absolutely no taste in dress, and wore a batch of rusty black lace with a bunch of artificial violets pinned to the side of her hair.