1 There is great truth, however, in what you have now urged of the allowances which ought to be made for him, and it is my wish to be candid in my judgment of every body.
2 Like half the rest of the world, if more than half there be that are clever and good, Marianne, with excellent abilities and an excellent disposition, was neither reasonable nor candid.
3 This was so simply said, and so sweet was the truthful and candid expression of her face, that the princess saw why Kitty had taken such a fancy to Varenka.
4 She blushed when Vronsky brought in Golenishtchev, and he was extremely charmed by this childish blush overspreading her candid and handsome face.
5 And he set off for the elections without appealing to her for a candid explanation.
6 That chaste, healthy, firm, upright, hard, candid nature charmed him, without his being clearly aware of it, and without the idea of explaining it to himself having occurred to him.
Les Misérables 3 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 4: CHAPTER I—A GROUP WHICH BARELY MISSED BECOMING HISTORIC 7 Marius liked this candid old man who saw himself gradually falling into the clutches of indigence, and who came to feel astonishment, little by little, without, however, being made melancholy by it.
Les Misérables 3 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 5: CHAPTER V—POVERTY A GOOD NEIGHBOR FOR MISERY 8 Leblanc's whole person was expressive of candid and intrepid confidence.
Les Misérables 3 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 8: CHAPTER XIX—OCCUPYING ONE'S SELF WITH OBSCURE DEPTHS 9 They related to each other, with candid faith in their illusions, all that love, youth, and the remains of childhood which still lingered about them, suggested to their minds.
Les Misérables 4 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 5: CHAPTER VI—OLD PEOPLE ARE MADE TO GO OUT OPPORTUNELY 10 From that moment forth, Mother Plutarque saw a sombre veil, which was never more lifted, descend over the old man's candid face.
Les Misérables 4 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 9: CHAPTER III—M. MABEUF 11 The poplar foliage had the downiness of a Corot arbor; the green and silver trunks were as candid as the birches, as slender and lustrous as the limbs of a Pierrot.
12 Lena's candid eyes, that always looked a little sleepy under their long lashes, kept straying about the cheerful rooms with naive admiration.
13 Some folks don't believe there is pious niggers Shelby," said Haley, with a candid flourish of his hand, "but I do.
14 "Now, they say," said Haley, assuming a candid and confidential air, "that this kind o trade is hardening to the feelings; but I never found it so."
15 If you mean to say anything to me to-night, that goes against this candid remark, you had better let it alone.