1 "Oh, she'd never leave us as long as you needed her," he returned, scraping hard at his chin.
2 Ethan, glaring at his face in the glass, threw his head back to draw the razor from ear to chin.
3 She looked straight at Mattie as she spoke, a faint smile deepening the vertical lines between her nose and chin.
4 But it was an arresting face, pointed of chin, square of jaw.
5 "Now, don't be jerking your chin at me," warned Gerald.
6 She raised her chin and her pale, black-fringed eyes sparkled in the moonlight.
7 Scarlett peered anxiously in the mirror at her sixteen-year-old face as if expecting to see wrinkles and sagging chin muscles.
8 Too wide across the cheek bones, too pointed at the chin, it was a sweet, timid face but a plain face, and she had no feminine tricks of allure to make observers forget its plainness.
9 Well, after all, old gentlemen were better than no gentlemen at all, thought Scarlett, measuring out the tatting and submitting demurely to being chucked under the chin.
10 But the doctor did look like a goat with his gray chin whiskers wagging away at a great rate, and with difficulty she stifled a giggle.
11 She jerked her chin up and turned away from him and suddenly she heard her own name called-- called in an unmistakable Charleston voice that rang out above the hubbub of other names.
12 She remained sitting with her chin in her hands, her eyes wide with astonishment.
13 The ribbons that tied under the chin were as wide as her hand and they, too, were pale green.
14 She flew across the room to the mirror and plopped it on her head, pushing back her hair to show her earrings and tying the ribbon under her chin.
15 He was beside her quickly and his deft fingers untied the wide bow under her chin.