1 Death was in the room and she had no strength to confront it, to fight it back and she was frightened.
2 She continued to confront him with the same air of ironic composure.
3 She disappeared into her work-room with the vest, leaving me to confront the Pole, who stood against the door like a wooden figure.
4 The youth and the tattered soldier followed, sneaking as if whipped, feeling unable to face the stricken man if he should again confront them.
5 They were to confront the eager rush of the enemy.
6 As he passed through each curling mass the youth wondered what would confront him on the farther side.
7 Tom Gradgrind, as your son, young Tom, refuses for some obstinate reason or other to say anything at all about those statements, good or bad, I am obliged to confront her with your daughter.
8 The girl gradually recovered her senses; and, staggering to a chair by the bedside, hid her face upon the pillow: leaving Mr. Sikes to confront the new comers, in some astonishment at their unlooked-for appearance.
9 Yes, but they will make you then sign your declaration, and confront you with him you have denounced; I will supply you with the means of supporting your accusation, for I know the fact well.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre DumasContext Highlight In Chapter 4. Conspiracy. 10 I always thought this was business, this was the way to confront the thing, this was the way to take the foe by the throat.
11 That is to say, without mincing words, he invariably set before his hearers the sorrows and the difficulties which may confront a man, the trials and the temptations which may beset him.
12 Those rare dreamers, mysterious priests of the beautiful who silently confront everything with perfection, would have caught a glimpse in this little working-woman, through the transparency of her Parisian grace, of the ancient sacred euphony.
Les Misérables 1 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 3: CHAPTER III—FOUR AND FOUR 13 The old men and boys of the Home Guard marched by, the graybeards almost too weary to lift their feet, the boys wearing the faces of tired children, confronted too early with adult problems.
14 She had intended that the negroes should do the field work, while she and the convalescent girls attended to the house, but here she was confronted with a caste feeling even stronger than her own.
15 As usual when confronted by Melanie's habit of attributing worthy motives where no worth existed, Scarlett was ashamed and irritated, and suddenly she could not meet either Ashley's or Melanie's eyes.