CONTINUE in a Sentence

Learn CONTINUE from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

420 example sentences for CONTINUE, such as:

1. Things cannot continue as they are.
2. We will continue to do all we can to.
3. It's senseless to continue any further.
4. The rain will continue into the evening.
5. The light was too murky to continue playing.

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 Meanings and Examples of CONTINUE
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 v.  exist over a prolonged period of time
 v.  span an interval of distance, space or time
Classic Sentence: (210 in 15 pages)
1  Again the avenger had been foiled, and again his concentrated hatred urged him to continue the pursuit.
A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan Doyle
2  He would, probably, for a time at least, continue to perform his duties.
A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan Doyle
3  For the stage was empty; the emotion must be continued; the only thing to continue the emotion was the song; and the words were inaudible.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
Context  Highlight   In Unit 9
4  Things cannot continue as they are.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis Stevenson
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER SEARCH FOR MR. HYDE
5  To continue in fistic phraseology, he had a genius for coming up to the scratch, wherever and whatever it was, and proving himself an ugly customer.
Hard Times By Charles Dickens
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 1: CHAPTER II
6  Should her disposition be really bad," said Sir Thomas, "we must not, for our own children's sake, continue her in the family; but there is no reason to expect so great an evil.
Mansfield Park By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER I
7  From all that I hear and guess, Baron Wildenheim's attentions to Julia continue, but I do not know that he has any serious encouragement.
Mansfield Park By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XL
8  Very uncomfortable she was, and must continue, till she heard from Miss Crawford again.
Mansfield Park By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XLVI
9  These women at least shall continue to respect the prerogative.
Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXXVII
10  Looking upwards, a furze-cutter would have been inclined to continue work; looking down, he would have decided to finish his faggot and go home.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 1: 1 A Face on Which Time Makes but Little Impression
11  After replying to the old man's greeting he showed no inclination to continue in talk, although they still walked side by side, for the elder traveller seemed to desire company.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 1: 2 Humanity Appears upon the Scene, Hand in Hand with Trouble
12  "And so do I, and we will both continue to," said Mrs. Yeobright, rising and kissing her.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: 8 Firmness Is Discovered in a Gentle Heart
13  The ruined man won, and the other was tempted to continue the game, and they played all the way.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 3: 7 The Morning and the Evening of a Day
14  Its finder has carried it off, therefore, to fulfil the ultimate destiny of a goose, while I continue to retain the hat of the unknown gentleman who lost his Christmas dinner.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
15  Pray continue your most interesting statement.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
Example Sentence: (210 in 15 pages)
16  She fully intends to continue her sporting career once she has recovered from her injuries.
17  If we continue to deplete the Earth's natural resources, we will cause serious damage to the environment.
18  The embassy will continue discussions with the Chinese government.
19  We will continue to run the company as a going concern.
20  He insisted that the conflict would continue until conditions were met for a ceasefire.
21  The rain will continue into the evening.
22  We will continue to do all we can to.
23  Toxic chemicals continue to be dumped in the North Sea.
24  It's senseless to continue any further.
25  It is unjust that a privileged few should continue to accumulate wealth.
26  She kept silent, forcing Buchanan to continue.
27  The light was too murky to continue playing.
28  This issue looks likely to continue to vex the government.
29  Outsiders will continue to suffer the most blatant discrimination.
30  The finance minister will continue to mastermind Poland's economic reform.