1 "And the doctor don't want I should be left without anybody," Zeena continued.
2 By this time they had passed beyond Frome's earshot and he could only follow the shadowy pantomime of their silhouettes as they continued to move along the crest of the slope above him.
3 "It might have fallen off into the snow," Mattie continued, after a pause during which they had stood intently listening.
4 She continued to stare at him, the flame of the unshaded lamp bringing out with microscopic cruelty the fretful lines of her face.
5 All I know is," she continued, "I can't go on the way I am much longer.
6 All the way down to the village he continued to think of his return to Mattie.
7 She did not move, and he continued: "Supper's about ready."
8 She continued to gaze at him through the twilight with a mien of wan authority, as of one consciously singled out for a great fate.
9 "I've a good mind to go and hunt up those stomach powders I got last year over in Springfield," she continued.
10 Zeena continued to look from one to the other; then she emitted her small strange laugh.
11 "I'd like to go over things with you first," Zeena continued in an unperturbed voice.
12 Zeena continued in the same even tone: "I wanted you should stay and fix up that stove in Mattie's room afore the girl gets here."
13 He continued to gaze at her vaguely, only half-roused from his dream.
14 Yes, there she's been," Mrs. Hale continued, "and Zeena's done for her, and done for Ethan, as good as she could.
15 The trouble with most of us Southerners," continued Rhett Butler, "is that we either don't travel enough or we don't profit enough by our travels.