1 The crash of a loaded branch falling far off in the woods reverberated like a musket-shot, and once a fox barked, and Mattie shrank closer to Ethan, and quickened her steps.
2 The cat, profiting by this unusual demonstration, tried to effect an unnoticed retreat, and in doing so backed into the pickle-dish, which fell to the floor with a crash.
3 It barely cleared the tall back of the sofa and splintered with a little crash against the marble mantelpiece.
4 Then, there was a crash of falling timbers near by and Scarlett saw a thin tongue of flame lick up over the roof of the warehouse in whose sheltering shadow they sat.
5 They had not been broken by the crash of empires, the machetes of revolting slaves, war, rebellion, proscription, confiscation.
6 She picked up a large split-oak basket and started down the back stairs, each step jouncing her head until her spine seemed to be trying to crash through the top of her skull.
7 Back she rushed to the dining room and snatched a rag rug from the floor, spilling two chairs with a crash.
8 The crash and clatter were what she wanted to hear.
9 "I returned day before yesterday," he answered, while he leaned his arm on the keys, bringing forth a crash of discordant sound.
10 There was the ripping sound of musketry and the breaking crash of the artillery.
11 The crash and swing of the great drama made him lean forward, intent-eyed, his face working in small contortions.
12 One night at about twelve o'clock there was a loud crash in the yard, and the animals rushed out of their stalls.
13 That night there was the sound of uproarious singing, which was followed by what sounded like a violent quarrel and ended at about eleven o'clock with a tremendous crash of glass.
14 So saying, she left the apartment; and Front-de-Boeuf could hear the crash of the ponderous key, as she locked and double-locked the door behind her, thus cutting off the most slender chance of escape.
15 At length, with a terrific crash, the whole turret gave way, and she perished in the flames which had consumed her tyrant.