1 After this afternoon, there won't be a decent home in town that he'll be welcome in.
2 And she had on a black dress and black bonnet and no paint and really looked decent but for that red hair.
3 "That's the first time I ever heard of a Yankee doing a decent thing," said Grandma, as if she regretted hearing anything good about the invaders.
4 Then she could have married Ashley after a decent interval and made little Beau a good stepmother too.
5 Frank thought Rhett the blackest of blackguards and unsafe for decent women to speak to.
6 Scarlett heard over and over until she could have screamed at the repetition: "I'd have taken their damned oath right after the surrender if they'd acted decent."
7 Dr. Meade had not thought to warn her that a woman in her condition should not drink, for it never occurred to him that a decent woman would drink anything stronger than scuppernong wine.
8 Rather than have her appear and advertise her shame, her father and brother would have shot her, so lynching the negro seemed a sensible solution to the townspeople, in fact, the only decent solution possible.
9 You can tell by the way he acts with Melly that he could be decent if he wanted to.
10 We'll wait the decent interval.
11 It's only decent that the families of the men Captain Butler saved should call.
12 You know she'll let him do anything but spend money on his friends: the only reason she's decent to me now is that she knows I'm not hard up.
13 She pinched her wrist, as though she were a noisy child in church, and when she was decent and cramped again, she listened.
14 His decent gray suit, made by Nat Hicks of Gopher Prairie, might have been of sheet iron; it had no distinction of cut, no easy grace like the diplomat's Burberry.
15 The shipper and the grocers here wouldn't pay us a decent price for our potatoes, even though folks in the cities were howling for 'em.'