16 The team will definitely lose if he doesn't play.
17 The whole experience was definitely more positive than negative.
18 I forget now why we disliked each other, but stare contests were definitely the weapons of choice.
19 Now, as to whether some people will probably speculate is Fidel Castro coming back to power, I definitely wouldn't go that far, but I think we can fairly say that the Cuban government wants to project an image of him as alive and well
20 I would have definitely given the film more marks were it something more congruent with my tastes.
21 Someone who has a PhD in geology definitely knows quite a lot about rocks.
22 Fritz says if the best answer you can muster is "Georgetown," you're definitely not going to win.
23 Hi Pille, chubby is definitely better if it means more chocolate huh!
24 There is a certain knack to lapping a barrel, not everyone is able to successfully do it, but if you can, it will definitely improve the performance of any rifle.
25 And in a country where people depend on natural sources of water, people will definitely become poorer.
26 I'm easy going and tolerant too, but I would definitely not agree that I am liberal.
27 He's older, a little more craggy and definitely a lot more wrinkled, but Arnold Schwarzenegger is about to stalk across movie screens once more
28 It's impossible for me to give you a definite answer.
29 We'll have to wait until the new year before we can make any definite plans.
30 And, yeah, I want this whole scene in the nude, we're all nude, that's definite.