1 Altogether he felt dissatisfied with Sobakevitch's behaviour.
2 Yet that folk should be dissatisfied with my hero matters nothing.
3 It was late when, tired and dissatisfied, Chichikov regained Kostanzhoglo's mansion.
4 'No, but I am dissatisfied,' Madame Odintsov replied, dwelling on each syllable.
5 Though the aide-de-camp did not know these circumstances, he nevertheless delivered the definite order that the men should be in their greatcoats and in marching order, and that the commander-in-chief would otherwise be dissatisfied.
6 The Austrian general looked dissatisfied, but had no option but to reply in the same tone.
7 Through the door came the sounds of Kutuzov's voice, excited and dissatisfied, interrupted by another, an unfamiliar voice.
8 The officers, his comrades, like most of the army, were dissatisfied with the peace concluded after the battle of Friedland.
9 The party of the old and dissatisfied, who censured the innovations, turned to him expecting his sympathy in their disapproval of the reforms, simply because he was the son of his father.
10 Pierre began to feel dissatisfied with what he was doing.
11 Before he left he had a long talk with his father about something, and Princess Mary noticed that before his departure they were dissatisfied with one another.
12 Marquis Paulucci was talking to him with particular warmth and the Emperor, with his head bent to the left, was listening with a dissatisfied air.
13 They all gazed with the same dissatisfied and inquiring expression at this stout man in a white hat, who for some unknown reason threatened to trample them under his horse's hoofs.
14 They all seemed dissatisfied and uneasy.
15 Just then the countess came in from the sitting room with a weary and dissatisfied expression.