1 In the meantime Ferrier having recovered from his privations, distinguished himself as a useful guide and an indefatigable hunter.
A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In PART II: CHAPTER II. THE FLOWER OF UTAH 2 Silk and embroidery distinguished their dresses, and marked the wealth and importance of their master; forming, at the same time, a striking contrast with the martial simplicity of his own attire.
3 While the attendants hastened to obey Cedric's commands, his eye distinguished Gurth the swineherd, who, with his companion Wamba, had just entered the hall.
4 By far the most numerous part streamed towards the town of Ashby, where many of the distinguished persons were lodged in the castle, and where others found accommodation in the town itself.
5 There was no want of distinguished and noble candidates to fill up the ranks on either side.
6 Those whom they obeyed as leaders were only distinguished from the others by a feather in the cap, their dress, arms, and equipments being in all other respects the same.
7 By far the greater part of those inferior persons were, in one rank or other, connected with the Order, and were accordingly distinguished by their black dresses.
8 Sir Knight of the Fetterlock, since it is your pleasure so to be distinguished," said Ivanhoe, "I fear me you have chosen a talkative and a troublesome fool to be your guide.
9 There were assembled in this apartment, around a large oaken table, about a dozen of the most distinguished representatives of the Saxon families in the adjacent counties.
10 When they entered, they found themselves in the presence of about twenty matrons and maidens of distinguished Saxon lineage.
11 Ivanhoe distinguished himself in the service of Richard, and was graced with farther marks of the royal favour.
12 Maria felt her triumph, and pursued her purpose, careless of Julia; and Julia could never see Maria distinguished by Henry Crawford without trusting that it would create jealousy, and bring a public disturbance at last.
13 I never listened to a distinguished preacher in my life without a sort of envy.
14 To be distinguished for elegance and accomplishments, the authorised object of their youth, could have had no useful influence that way, no moral effect on the mind.
15 He had distinguished himself, and early gained the other step in rank, and must now, by successive captures, have made a handsome fortune.