1 He had never lost a boat or even been forced to dump a cargo.
2 Beyond this dump there stood a great brickyard, with smoking chimneys.
3 It was Scully, for instance, who owned that dump which Jurgis and Ona had seen the first day of their arrival.
4 Sometimes, in the haste of speeding-up, they would dump one of the animals out on the floor before it was fully stunned, and it would get upon its feet and run amuck.
5 He had fallen in with some other children and found the way to Mike Scully's dump, which lay three or four blocks away.
6 Juozapas was away raking in the dump a good part of the time, and Elzbieta and Marija were hunting for more work.
7 She could have left them in Atlanta, dumped Melanie into the hospital and deserted her.
8 The railroad had carried the remains of Johnston's army from North Carolina to Atlanta and dumped them there, and from Atlanta they began their pilgrimages afoot.
9 One boy, on whose face a blond fuzz had just begun to sprout, was dumped on the front porch by a mounted soldier bound for Fayetteville.
10 "It's so cold when you get dumped in the snow," said Mrs. Elder, indifferently.
11 When they had speared out all they could reach, they emptied the vat on the floor, and then with shovels scraped up the balance and dumped it into the truck.
12 They looked to be dumped out upon the ground from the sky.
13 They pried off the lid with their shovels, got out the body and dumped it rudely on the ground.
14 Suddenly Pierre heaved a deep sigh and dumped his heavy person down on the sofa beside Prince Andrew.
15 At last frocks ceased to appear, and he dropped hopelessly into the dumps; he entered the empty schoolhouse and sat down to suffer.