EDUCATION in a Sentence

Learn EDUCATION from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

407 example sentences for EDUCATION, such as:

1. The school has a special education unit.
2. I've had the benefit of a good education.
3. The education of youth according to ability.
4. You must understand the necessity of education.
5. The education of a man never completed until he dies.

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 Meanings and Examples of EDUCATION
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 n.  the process of teaching or learning in a school
Classic Sentence: (210 in 15 pages)
1  These qualities we cannot refer wholly to the blood, for that must change as a result of repeated intermarriages, but must ascribe rather to the different training and education given in different families.
Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius By Niccolo Machiavelli
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 3: CHAPTER XLVI.
2  The greatest success of the Freedmen's Bureau lay in the planting of the free school among Negroes, and the idea of free elementary education among all classes in the South.
The Souls of Black Folk By W. E. B. Du Bois
Context  Highlight   In II
3  The opposition to Negro education in the South was at first bitter, and showed itself in ashes, insult, and blood; for the South believed an educated Negro to be a dangerous Negro.
The Souls of Black Folk By W. E. B. Du Bois
Context  Highlight   In II
4  And the South was not wholly wrong; for education among all kinds of men always has had, and always will have, an element of danger and revolution, of dissatisfaction and discontent.
The Souls of Black Folk By W. E. B. Du Bois
Context  Highlight   In II
5  The education of youth according to ability.
The Souls of Black Folk By W. E. B. Du Bois
Context  Highlight   In III
6  Sadly did the Old South err in human education, despising the education of the masses, and niggardly in the support of colleges.
The Souls of Black Folk By W. E. B. Du Bois
Context  Highlight   In V
7  Then Dr. Johnson blandly assured us that education was needful solely for the embellishments of life, and was useless for ordinary vermin.
The Souls of Black Folk By W. E. B. Du Bois
Context  Highlight   In VI
8  In rough approximation we may point out four varying decades of work in Southern education since the Civil War.
The Souls of Black Folk By W. E. B. Du Bois
Context  Highlight   In VI
9  So far as white men are concerned, this fact is to-day being recognized in the South, and a happy renaissance of university education seems imminent.
The Souls of Black Folk By W. E. B. Du Bois
Context  Highlight   In VI
10  But the very voices that cry hail to this good work are, strange to relate, largely silent or antagonistic to the higher education of the Negro.
The Souls of Black Folk By W. E. B. Du Bois
Context  Highlight   In VI
11  We have been so hotly engaged recently in discussing trade-schools and the higher education that the pitiable plight of the public-school system in the South has almost dropped from view.
The Souls of Black Folk By W. E. B. Du Bois
Context  Highlight   In IX
12  Then he spoke of the rise of charity and popular education, and particularly of the spread of wealth and work.
The Souls of Black Folk By W. E. B. Du Bois
Context  Highlight   In XIII
13  I have known of still other cases in which the former slaves have assisted in the education of the descendants of their former owners.
Up From Slavery: An Autobiography By Booker T. Washington
Context  Highlight   In Chapter I.
14  These were the questions of a home, a living, the rearing of children, education, citizenship, and the establishment and support of churches.
Up From Slavery: An Autobiography By Booker T. Washington
Context  Highlight   In Chapter I.
15  I determined, when quite a small child, that, if I accomplished nothing else in life, I would in some way get enough education to enable me to read common books and newspapers.
Up From Slavery: An Autobiography By Booker T. Washington
Context  Highlight   In Chapter II.
Example Sentence: (197 in 14 pages)
16  The essence of his argument was that education should continue throughout life.
17  He called for much higher spending on education and training.
18  You must have a good education, but practical training is equally important.
19  Every person has two education, one which he receives from others, and one, more important, which he gives himself.
20  You must understand the necessity of education.
21  The school has a special education unit.
22  The education of a man never completed until he dies.
23  The school has received various grants from the education department.
24  True education is the weapon against stupidity and foolishness.
25  What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul.
26  A university education shouldn't be the monopoly of the minority whose parents are rich.
27  I've had the benefit of a good education.
28  He's had the benefit of an expensive education and yet he continues to work as a waiter.
29  This education aimed at combining brain work with manual labour.
30  The parents were active in campaigning against cuts to the education budget.