1 He's that proud he don't even like his oldest friends to go there; and I don't know as any do, any more, except myself and the doctor.
2 It was time for Gerald's return and, if she expected to see him alone, there was nothing for her to do except meet him where the driveway entered the road.
3 But the next time came and went, and the result was nothing--nothing except that the fever possessing her rose higher and hotter.
4 There's nobody in the County sits a horse better than Ashley," said Scarlett, furious at the slur of effeminacy flung on Ashley, "nobody except maybe his father.
5 Nor had she ever seen her sit down without a bit of needlework in her hands, except at mealtime, while attending the sick or while working at the bookkeeping of the plantation.
6 For this and other reasons, Gerald's family was not inclined to view the fatal outcome of this quarrel as anything very serious, except for the fact that it was charged with serious consequences.
7 He knew no poetry save that of Moore and no music except the songs of Ireland that had come down through the years.
8 Pork brought forth his favorite ruffled shirt, so inexpertly mended by the chambermaid as to be unwearable by anyone except his valet.
9 Many had moved for no reason at all, except that the restless blood of pioneering fathers still quickened in their veins.
10 She had the easily stirred passions of her Irish father and nothing except the thinnest veneer of her mother's unselfish and forbearing nature.
11 There was no family of any standing into which he could marry, no people with whom he could associate except the Slatterys and riffraff like them.
12 The whole family knew that Carreen's thirteen-year-old heart was set upon Brent Tarleton, who never gave her a thought except as Scarlett's baby sister.
13 She's never had another beau except him.
14 Everyone was smoldering, and it would have been a positive triumph for Scarlett, except for Ashley.
15 All the ladies except Mrs. Tarleton moved out of the back yard, leaving the shade of oaks and arbor to the men.