1 My own exclusive breakfast of a penny loaf and a pennyworth of milk, I provided myself.
David Copperfield By Charles DickensContext Highlight In CHAPTER 11. I BEGIN LIFE ON MY OWN ACCOUNT, AND DON'T LIK... 2 It is estimated that not fewer than forty-seven persons must have been accommodated with dinner at one time, exclusive of the company in the passage and on the stairs.
3 The Progressive Euchre Club arranged with the Vannis for the exclusive use of the floor on Tuesday and Friday nights.
4 But neither the presence in which he found himself, nor the exclusive attention that he attracted, in any manner disturbed the self-possession of the young Mohican.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore CooperContext Highlight In CHAPTER 30 5 A feeling stronger than friendship sprang up between them; an exclusive feeling of life being possible only in each other's presence.
6 Only by separating the two sources of cognition, related to one another as form to content, do we get the mutually exclusive and separately incomprehensible conceptions of freedom and inevitability.
7 Indeed, it is a question if the exclusive reign of this orthodox beauty is not approaching its last quarter.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContext Highlight In BOOK 1: 1 A Face on Which Time Makes but Little Impression 8 I came off, too, to report the only exclusive information that is given to-day regarding the strange escapade at the Zoo.
9 Jean Valjean felt his heart melt within him with delight, at all these sparks of a tenderness so exclusive, so wholly satisfied with himself alone.
Les Misérables 4 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 3: CHAPTER IV—CHANGE OF GATE 10 In the beginning, the Troop had been recruited exclusively from the sons of planters, a gentleman's outfit, each man supplying his own horse, arms, equipment, uniform and body servant.
11 The apartment into which Duncan and his guide first entered, had been exclusively devoted to her accommodation.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore CooperContext Highlight In CHAPTER 24 12 I must have something that I can term exclusively my own by this foray of ours, and I have fixed on the lovely Jewess as my peculiar prize.
13 They came from a part of the heath a quarter of a mile to the rear, where furze almost exclusively prevailed as a product.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContext Highlight In BOOK 1: 3 The Custom of the Country 14 Crime belongs exclusively to the lower orders.
15 He smiled at the recollection of that time and of his love for Natasha, and passed at once to what now interested him passionately and exclusively.