EXPLICIT in a Sentence

Learn EXPLICIT from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

25 example sentences for EXPLICIT, such as:

1. The terms of the Code were explicit.
2. I was not explicit enough with him before.
3. You were explicitly instructed to wait here.
4. But let it be done explicitly and positively.
5. They explicitly denied that they are involved in mainline politics.

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 Meanings and Examples of EXPLICIT
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 a.  precisely and clearly expressed; definite; outspoken
Classic Sentence:
1  Now, my good man," said the lawyer, "be explicit.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis Stevenson
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER THE LAST NIGHT
2  I was not explicit enough with him before.
Mansfield Park By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XLII
3  Oliver, quite elated and honoured by a sense of his importance, faithfully promised to be secret and explicit in his communications.
Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXXVI
4  The look of innocence and surprise which he received in return convinced Duncan of the necessity of being more explicit.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 25
5  He told my mother, in language perfectly respectful and deferential, but quite explicit, that over the house-servants she should be entire mistress, but that with the field-hands he could allow no interference.
Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XIX
6  Albert's lips scarcely whispered "Good-by," but his look was more explicit; it expressed a whole poem of restrained anger, proud disdain, and generous indignation.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre Dumas
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 91. Mother and Son.
7  But if you are really innocent and ignorant, I must be more explicit.
Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 52
8  My father's family name being Pirrip, and my Christian name Philip, my infant tongue could make of both names nothing longer or more explicit than Pip.
Great Expectations By Charles Dickens
Context  Highlight   In Chapter I
9  The terms of the Code were explicit.
Les Misérables 1 By Victor Hugo
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER VI—JEAN VALJEAN
10  My answer to that is that although it may be quite right, I consider it advantageous, if the matter is to be made perfectly clear, to give you an explicit answer.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
Context  Highlight   In Chapter Four Miss Bürstner's Friend
11  But let it be done explicitly and positively.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre Dumas
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 76. Progress of Cavalcanti the Younger.
12  Send back your answer as fast as you can, and be careful to write explicitly.
Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 49
13  So now the general explicitly forbade his taking part in any action whatever of Denisov's.
War and Peace 5 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 14: CHAPTER VII
Example Sentence:
1  We think such information should be made explicit and not left vague.
2  The kidnappers have given us explicit instructions not to involve the police.
3  It does not say anything explicit about the legitimacy of corporate power in relation to society generally.
4  Sometimes the researcher will present an explicit hypothesis and set out to test it.
5  The brain is hungry not for method but for content, especially the latter which contains generalizations that are powerful, precise, and explicit.
6  Don't just hint around that you're dissatisfied: be explicit about what's bugging you.
7  The documents also chronicle GCHQ's sustained struggle to keep the large store of sexually explicit imagery collected by Optic Nerve away from the eyes of its staff.
8  Facebook can gain direct access to a person's mobile and take pictures or make videos at any time without explicit consent, MPs warn as they call on social media companies to simplify their terms and conditions.
9  You were explicitly instructed to wait here.
10  They were explicitly instructed to involve themselves in local economic affairs, education, medical care, prisons and road maintenance.
11  They explicitly denied that they are involved in mainline politics.
12  The play was the first commercially successful work dealing explicitly with homosexuality.