1 He had not even touched the tip of her fingers or looked her full in the eyes.
2 Zeena waited a moment, as if giving him time to feel the full force of the contrast between his own excitement and her composure.
3 He was too young, too strong, too full of the sap of living, to submit so easily to the destruction of his hopes.
4 It was a shy secret spot, full of the same dumb melancholy that Ethan felt in his heart.
5 But his cheek touched hers, and it was cold and full of weeping, and he saw the road to the Flats under the night and heard the whistle of the train up the line.
6 I'll lay you two to one she didn't even know the fort was out there in the harbor, much less that it was full of Yankees until we shelled them out.
7 "It's no bargain you're getting and I am glad not to have to pay more taxes on the place," sighed the possessor of an "ace full," as he called for pen and ink.
8 She told herself that the child was merely full of life and there was still time in which to teach her the arts and graces of being attractive to men.
9 But more's the pity, there's not enough planters' sons in this County to make up a full troop.
10 As it was she was so full of food and so tightly laced that she feared every moment she was going to belch.
11 The wide curving driveway was full of saddle horses and carriages and guests alighting and calling greetings to friends.
12 It showed in the thin hawk nose over the full red lips, the high forehead and the wide-set eyes.
13 He had always yearned to be loved by some beautiful, dashing creature full of fire and mischief.
14 The barbecue had reached its peak and the warm air was full of laughter and talk, the click of silver on porcelain and the rich heavy smells of roasting meats and redolent gravies.
15 Small Carreen could have cried because, for all Scarlett's encouraging words that morning, Brent had done no more than say "Hello, Sis" and jerk her hair ribbon before turning his full attention to Scarlett.