GIBE in a Sentence

Learn GIBE from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

14 example sentences for GIBE, such as:

1. Don't make gibes about her behavior.
2. His drawling voice gibed in her ears.
3. It's impolite to gibe at a foreign student's English.
4. Henever spoke of the softer passions with a gibe and a sneer.
5. He never spoke of the softer passions, save with a gibe and a sneer.

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 Meanings and Examples of GIBE
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 v.  mock; laugh at with contempt and derision
Classic Sentence:
1  The maids looked at one another and laughed, while pretty Melantho began to gibe at him contemptuously.
The Odyssey By Homer
Context  Highlight   In BOOK XVIII
2  He never spoke of the softer passions, save with a gibe and a sneer.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
Context  Highlight   In I. A Scandal in Bohemia
3  I will put a stop to the gibes and blows of the suitors, for this is no public house, but belongs to Ulysses, and has passed from him to me.
The Odyssey By Homer
Context  Highlight   In BOOK XX
4  Bea's Lutheran friends were as much offended by his agnostic gibes as the merchants by his radicalism.
Main Street By Sinclair Lewis
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXVI
5  You may or may not have just cause for arresting me," said he, "but at least there can be no reason why I should submit to the gibes of this person.
The Return of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
6  He bent to all the gibes and prejudices, to all hatred and discrimination, with that rare courtesy which is the armor of pure souls.
The Souls of Black Folk By W. E. B. Du Bois
Context  Highlight   In XII
7  I have no doubt the women in some foreign palace which Ulysses has got to are gibing at him as all these sluts here have been gibing at you.
The Odyssey By Homer
Context  Highlight   In BOOK XIX
8  They tied the goats up under the gatehouse, and then Melanthius began gibing at Ulysses.
The Odyssey By Homer
Context  Highlight   In BOOK XX
9  His drawling voice gibed in her ears.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXIII
10  "Oh yes, Gopher Prairie isn't so much behind the times," gibed Mrs. Howland.
Main Street By Sinclair Lewis
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VII
Example Sentence:
1  As you gibe at their superstitious beliefs, do you realize that you, too, are guilty of similarly foolish thoughts?
2  Henever spoke of the softer passions with a gibe and a sneer.
3  It's impolite to gibe at a foreign student's English.
4  Don't make gibes about her behavior.