1 By nature grave and inarticulate, he admired recklessness and gaiety in others and was warmed to the marrow by friendly human intercourse.
2 "I suppose it was Ruth and Ned," she said in a low voice, as though he had suddenly touched on something grave.
3 Abel was a shrewd, grave giant, illiterate, kind of heart, older than the other boys and with as good or better manners in the presence of ladies.
4 She was a widow and her heart was in the grave.
5 At least, everyone thought it was in the grave and expected her to act accordingly.
6 When Dr. Fontaine told Ellen gravely that heartbreak frequently led to a decline and women pined away into the grave, Ellen went white, for that fear was what she had carried in her heart.
7 So, from the cradle to the grave, women strove to make men pleased with themselves, and the satisfied men repaid lavishly with gallantry and adoration.
8 He picked up her black fan from the counter and began fanning her solicitously, too solicitously, his face grave but his eyes still dancing.
9 Having to pretend that her heart was in the grave when it wasn't.
10 I realize you still cherish the memory of the godlike and wooden- headed Mr. Wilkes, who's probably been in his grave these six months.
11 She passed the clump of cedars and the low brick wall which marked the family burying ground, trying not to think of the new grave lying by the three short mounds of her little brothers.
12 The uprights which held the thick vines were rotten and that night Scarlett hacked at them with the kitchen knife until they fell and the tangled mass ran wild over the grave.
13 No ghost rose from that shallow grave to haunt her in the long nights when she lay awake, too tired to sleep.
14 One time, I seen her point to your ma's grave and the old gentleman begun to cry.
15 Pork had dug the grave the night before, close by Ellen's grave, and he stood, spade in hand, behind the moist red clay he was soon to shovel back in place.